The Argus 3rd generation AAD - |
Written by Administrator
Monday, 10 March 2008 |
The Argus is the most versatile and most reliable AAD ever made! Argus is a 3rd generation electronic and pyrotechnic safety device for parachutists. Its primary task is to activate a pyrotechnic loop cutter at an altitude and speed by which you reasonable may expect that if, the parachutists reserve parachute is not activated this could result in serious injury or even death.

The Argus is a multimode device available in a civilian (SIS) and military version (TPM) and can be equipped with as well a single as with a double cutter. The Argus is to be used as a last-resort safety device only. It was never intended to, and is not to be used as a parachute’s primary opening system. Please check out our products section to find out more about the device. FAQ The Company Products |